Understanding Wants and Needs of Personal Firewall Users
I’ve presented results of a user study by my graduate student Fahimeh Raja at SafeConfig. She conducted semi-structured interviews with a diverse set of participants to gain an understanding of their knowledge, requirements, perceptions, and misconceptions of personal firewalls. There are several interesting findings. Through a qualitative analysis of the data, we found that most of our participants were not […]
SOUPS Features LERSSE Research
LERSSE graduate students presented their research at the Symposium on Usable Security Privacy and Security (SOUPS). Here is a summary of the presented research: We had posters on OpenIDemail Enabled Browser,Expectations, Perceptions, and Misconceptions of Personal Firewalls, and Validating and Extending a Study on the Effectiveness of SSL Warnings. At SOUPS Workshop on Usable Security Experiment Reports (USER), Andreas Sotirakopoulos discussed how study […]