LERSSE Paper Gets Accepted at MobileHCI 2020
LERSSE paper titled “Is Implicit Authentication on Smartphones Really Popular? On Android Users’ Perception of Smart Lock for Android” has been accepted for publication at the Twenty-Second International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2020). The paper will be presented at the virtual conference holding later in the year.
LERSSE Paper Gets Accepted at SOUPS 2020
LERSSE paper titled “Towards Understanding Privacy and Trust in Online Reporting of Sexual Assault” has been accepted for publication at the Sixteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2020. The paper will be presented at the conference holding later in the year.
LERSSE Paper Gets Accepted at CHI 2020
LERSSE paper “The Burden of Ending Online Account Sharing” has been accepted at CHI 2020.
LERSSE Paper Receives a Honourable Mention at CHI 2020
LERSSE paper “Amazon vs. My Brother: How Users of Shared Smart Speakers Perceive and Cope with Privacy Risks” (top 5% of submissions) has received an Honourable Mention award at CHI 2020.
LERSSE Goes Snowshoeing on Cypress Mountain
At LERSSE, we enjoy being active just as much as we do enjoy research. As a way to experience the snow and the mountains in 2020, LERSSE members and their significant others made the trip to Cypress Mountain for a snowshoeing trip.